Professor Ella Arensman
Director of Research, National Suicide Research Foundation
Research Professor Department of  Epidemiology of Public Health, University College Cork.
Project Co-ordinator

Dr Celine Larkin
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, United States

Ms Jacklyn McCarthy  
Researcher/Hospital Liaison Manager Self-Harm, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork

Dr Sara Leitao     
Senior Researcher / Primary Care Liaison Manager, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork

Ms Eileen Williamson
Executive Director, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork

Ms Anne Fitzpatrick
Business Manager, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork


Website Developers

Ms Emer O’Callaghan 
Research Officer Communications and Marketing, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork

Mr Tiernan Hourihan 
Research Officer Technical, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork

Mr Niall McTernan
Research Officer, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork


The project was funded and commissioned by the Health Research Board . We sincerely thank the HRB for their support.

We are very grateful to the National Office for Suicide Prevention for their continued support and collaboration.

Special thanks to Professor Colin Bradley, Dr Eugene Cassidy and Ms Meg O'Gorman who took time to participate in this important project and added valuable input.



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